A very long yet simple introduction of mine. Are you ready to read it all? Or just scroll what pictures are having here? It doesn't matter, as long as you've been here for once :)
Every intro starts with names :) Yeahhhh, My name is Winnie Lee. My nickname is Winniely, V.ny, anndd that's it! haha. People would like to call me , WINNIE. It's definitely and well-known name and almost everyone has it. No matter how pasar it is, I just love it :)
I'm 17 this year and turning to 18 on 22nd of July 2012. Finally I'm 18 :D I'm still young. And I'm a girl who doesn't afraid of aging! haha The older I grew, the younger I would be.
Eat eat eat everywhere :) I love fooooood ! Japanese food, Korean delights, Thai Food omg, Mama's delights annnd more :) I can eat quite a lot lately, ofcos, I'm not that lucky who born to be skinny all the time. The more I eat, the more my weight gained. I'm 50 +++++++++ kg now. annnd know what? I miss the time I was only 47 kg :) hahaha
I'm friendly. It's definitely NOT PERASAN. haha I can be very friendly if you too. I love meeting new friends. I love talking talking and talking. If someone interrupts me while I'm talking, fuuuuuuuuuh, I will not do anything. My moood might just gone .. x)
Annnnnnd, I have a bunch of caring friends :D No matter what, they will be there whenever i need them. We can laugh like nobody's business, we can play like no tomorrow. My lifee is just AWESOME with them :P
" Thanks for visiting :) " Winnie says