Thursday, July 29, 2010

Everything is started from zero (:

Hey, everyone. I'm back to blogging. Blogging is my drugs. I need to take the ' drug ' everyday twice a week (: I do love blogging so much but you know, it's really take a lotsa time to finish a post especially when I'm blog about outing. I won't update my  older blog because it contained a lotsa bad good thing. So I have created a blog which you are reading it now.This blog is still under construction. I'll construct it when I feel free.

The reasons why I create a new blog :
  • As  Yee Ling said, blogging is a good way to express yourself. That's right. I'll come to blog when I feel bad or bored. 
  • Everyone, not everyone lar. Some of my friends ask me to back to blogging. I'm so happy to hear that. Seriously. haha
  • You know, once I came back home from outings, I have the feelings and mood to blog about it and share to all of the readers. 
  • As Huier and Jiesi told me, blog is convenient diary.
  • Aaron Tan said he will be very happy when he reads our outing post and celebration's post. 
  • The main reason is, I LOVE BLOGGING !

The new rules of my blog :
( I have to set a rule for my blog because I don't want any complaints. )

  • Firstly, I won't update everyday. I guess twice a week or whenever I feel free to blog. :) 
  • I might be blog about my feelings and thoughts which a post that got no pictures. 
 That's the rules. The only rules. I got complaints from my friends at my previous post. they always say that my blog is boring when it has no picture in a post. aiyoo, I'll try my best not to make you bored okay? haha.

P/s : Relink me when you're freeeeeee :)
P/s : I'm having c*nstipation problems. I need help so badly.

More posts are coming up. Stay tuned !

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