Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm blogging ! :)

Dear readers friends,

  I have not much readers , I know it. I don't even tell every friends that I already change my blog URL. I told some of them only. I have no idea why I'm so lazy to mention on previous blog. It's so difficult to log in to my previous blog. know why? It's because of my laziness. wth x).

 This post will be the longest post ever. I won't update for an age I guess. Monthly test & Final Exam are around the corner. What I need to do is study! ( I won't study actually, but I'll deduce the times that I sit infront of the monitor.) Pray hard I could use my leisure time to study lah.

  This post doesn't related to the title la. The title should put as ' School's stuff '. I put it as ' I'm blogging ' because I won't read any post if it entitled about school. So boring ! haha. Okay lah ! I know I talk too much crap ! haha. I purposely want to make it longer ! haha x)

This first thing I want to show you about me is .. Ta dang !

My mom's work. She is not really good in it. haha. I know you can see that. haha.

Do you know what we do while waiting for the experiment done?

Three of us look so serious :X

while waiting for the anode and cathode thingy

actually we took a lot of pictures. 
I don't dare to show it here x) 

Determine the Vitamin C content in fruit sample.( well , I know the Aim ! )  Yong Xin , our Bendahari, brought a big juicy watermelon and pineapple. We used a little bit to squeeze the juicy to the beaker and test the vitamin C content. Since we the fruits that Yongxin brought were soo juicy, all of us cut the fruits to many parts and ate it in the lab. I enjoyed the moment while eating the watermelon x) haha. 

Macro! taken by Sherlynn. ( i guess ? )
 Chui Han, Yong Xing and Ah tung are behind the lemon ! 
During the Moral project shooting, we did this ! 

know what we were trying to do?

Trying Chin Hao's Sony Digital Pink Camera ! 
Our head look so big ! haha 

We did a lot of cam-whore in the class. We are good student. We will only did it when teacher is not around x)
Before showing our cam-whore picture .. 
Neville , we named him as Oil Brother. Wei Xiong, Bear Brother is the nick name of him!

Another brother of us ..

The ' walao eh' Egg brother ! 
He thinks he is cute. 
Memang walao eh right? x)

Is time to see our cam-whore picture. ( 2 sokfo ) haha x) 

Spot my name tag ! I'm just too bored ! haha

Don't feel like posting too much of cam-whore picture. Later all of you get bored of my face x)

 spot me? 
I'm doing something important x)


Ignore my expression. 
I don't really know what's wrong with my face ! 
is that a lizard? 

I already read until chapter 3 ! 

B-Y-E ! 
I'm so tired now after running for 6 round. Today, considered a busy day to me. I brought Mimi to Pet Kingdoms for grooming. Mimi is having skin's problems now. :( Now, she looks so skinny but she is still cute for me ! I forgotten to take a picture of her after grooming ! 

Oh ya, I went to Joe Gym with Sher Lynn, the three brothers above. My leg's muscle is so pain now. I can't even walk normally. arghh !
urm, Miss Lee told us that girl whoever wants a bigger boobs can try to drink papaya milk. It really works! Sher lynn told me that Hawaii Papaya + milk is best. I told me my that I want to make my boobs bigger. This is our conversation. 

Me: Ma, I bought papaya and milk to make my boobs bigger eh. My teacher told me that it really works. 
Mom: Your boobs won't get bigger dy. because of the gene la. my boobs for small, for sure your boobs       will same like mine.

LOL. I were like sooo disapointed when I heard this. :(

Okay la ! GOT TO GO ! 

Good Luck to PMR candidates and SPM candidates ! 

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